The Coalition for Combating Disinformation and Promoting Critical Thinking (CORECT)
1. Preamble
Considering that disinformation affects the perception of vulnerable groups and the motivation of professionals to address their issues,
Considering that the phenomenon of fake news is not a constant concern for certain institutions or platforms with the power to intervene,
Considering the need for an increase in the capacity of various institutions to combat fake news and to cultivate democratic values in society.
Alternative Sociale Association, the International Alliance of Romanian Journalists, and the County Center for Educational Resources and Assistance decide to establish the ‘Coalition for Combating Disinformation and Promoting Critical Thinking.’
The Coalition is a non-legal personality entity and operates as a collaborative platform for organizations, institutions, and individuals with common interests and concerns.
2. Purpose
To mobilize civil society as well as other relevant actors with the purpose of defending and promoting human rights and democratic European values through the prevention and combat of disinformation.
3. Name
The Coalition for Promoting Critical Thinking and Combating Disinformation (CORECT).
4. Mission
The Coalition is an initiative aimed at mobilizing civil society and other relevant actors with the purpose of defending and promoting human rights and European democratic values through the promotion of critical thinking and the combat of disinformation.
5. Strategic Directions/Objectives
To establish itself as a reference point for expertise in the development of critical thinking and combating disinformation;
To promote a concern for the development of critical thinking and the combat of disinformation in contemporary society;
To bring together individuals and institutions with interests in the coalition’s areas of concern from diverse national contexts.
6.Actions / Activities
– Awareness activities on the impact of disinformation on the rights of vulnerable groups (through information campaigns, advocacy, public debates, meetings with specialists);
– Activities aimed at developing human resources involved in fields relevant to combating disinformation or its effects;
– Creation of informational resources for the general public, available in various formats;
– Promotion of legislative changes to increase efficiency in combating disinformation;
– Acting as a center for resources and expertise in combating disinformation;
– Debunking fake news and misinformation;
– Facilitating the exchange of experience between member organizations;
7. Member
The CORECT Coalition seeks to continuously expand as a network, enhancing our capacity to work with members in various national contexts—members who understand, support, and champion the coalition’s key messages and objectives. Members can be non-governmental organizations, media organizations, public institutions, or individuals engaged in activities or concerns related to promoting critical thinking and/or combating disinformation.
Membership Procedure
Organizations or institutions intending to join as members of the Coalition will submit a Membership Application (using the provided template) to the coordinating organization, reflecting their objectives and relevant expertise. They will also appoint representatives to participate in at least one operational group.
Loss of Membership Status
– through voluntary withdrawal;
–through revocation, as a result of a two-thirds majority vote by the members, at the request of the coordinating organization, for serious damages of any kind caused to the smooth conduct of the coalition’s activities. The decision must be substantiated;
– through the dissolution of the coalition.
8. Organization
General Assembly
The General Assembly consists of all members of the Coalition. The General Assembly will meet at least twice a year. Decisions within the General Assembly will be made by consensus. In case consensus cannot be reached, the coordinator will consult with the members and propose a solution that is acceptable to all Coalition members.
The coordination of the coalition is ensured by a coordinating organization, which also provides secretarial support. Non-legal personality coalition members cannot hold the position of coordinating organization.
Coordinating Organization
Through rotation, each coalition member assumes the role of coordinating organization for a period of 6 months. The coordinating organization is responsible for the secretariat of the coalition.
The secretariat’s responsibilities include the following roles:
– Ensures internal and external communication of the coalition;
– Facilitates collaboration between members for the implementation of common actions;
– Represents coalition members in external partnerships and collaborations;
– Receives new membership applications;
– Mediates decisions: in case consensus cannot be reached, the coordinator will consult with the members and propose a solution to advance the coalition’s activities.
Working Groups
The following thematic working groups will be formed within the coalition: Debunking Fake News and Disinformation, Education and Critical Thinking, Human Rights.
9. Affiliation and Other Relationships
The coalition may establish collaborative relationships with other similar structures.
10. Rights
To participate in Coalition activities.
To represent the Coalition, on a rotating basis, for a period of 6 months.
To propose themes for projects, campaigns, events.
To receive information regarding the coalition’s activities and its key themes.
STo promote their relevant activities to coalition members.
11. Obligations
To fulfill, on a rotating basis, the coordinating role of the Coalition for a period of 6 months.
To promote the coalition’s activities through its communication channels.
Organizations, institutions, or individuals with relevant activities who wish to join the CORECT Coalition can request this by completing and sending the membership application to The membership application form can be downloaded below.
Members of the CORECT Coalition (in alphabetical order)
- Asociația Alianța Internațională a Jurnaliștilor Români –
- Asociația Alternative Sociale –
- Asociatia Active Yourope –
- Asociația pentru Dezvoltare, Transparență și Participare Publică “CIVICA” –
- Centrul Județean de Resurse și Asistență Educațională –
- Asociația Mediawise Society –
- Asociatia Scoala de Valori –
- Institutul Intercultural Timișoara –
- Ciprian Cucu – jurnalist
- Agentia de Dezvoltare Economica și Colaborare Transfrontaliera din Novoselitsa
- ONG Centrul Media BucPress –
New guide for Interviewing Children in Judicial Procedures
Bucharest, March 12, 2024. Alternative Sociale and UNICEF Romania have launched today, March 12, 2024, in Bucharest, the book "Guide for hearing...
Project implemented by:
The project is implemented by the Alternative Sociale Association in partnership with the International Alliance of Romanian Journalists Association and the County Center for Educational Resources and Assistance Iași. It is funded with 148,055.00 euros through the Active Citizens Fund Romania program, financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. The content of this website does not necessarily represent the official position of the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021; for more information, visit Information about the Active Citizens Fund Romania is available at