Family and child

Since 2002, we’ve been providing direct services to children in risk of family abandonment, labour exploitation, children affected by their parents’ work migration and remigrant children, and from 2013 to children with imprisoned parents.

Between 2009 and 2012, almost 1000 vulnerable old people, lacking family support because of work migration, have been socially, psychologically and legally assisted to strengthen the relationships with their family members, mediate the relationship with public authorities, overcome crises and getting involved in socializing activities.

The training of professionals focused on the following themes: working with victim children, family therapy, assessment of sexual aggressors; removing children from institutions/placement centres, the consequences of separating children from their parents who left to work abroad; caring for the children affected by migration and identifying the needs and the institutional resources for the children left behind because their parents left to work abroad, preventing alcohol abuse; working with children with imprisoned parents.

Among the social and advocacy campaigns we mention: ”About children, without violence!”, ”European allowances. It’s your child’s right!”; ”Take care of your children wherever you are!”; ”Don’t forget the old people around you!”; ”Sometimes tomorrow is too late. Give up now!”; ”My parent is in prison. Why do you convict me for his/her deeds?”; ”Putting sentences on the destiny of innocent children is unjust!”.


”Working methodology on assisting the victims of human trafficking, children home alone due to their parent’s labour migration and children victims of abuse” (2012)
”Social care methodology for remigrant children” (2012)
“Working Methodology for the psycho-social- juridical assistance of elders” (2012)
”Manual for the professional working with home alone children after their parents left to work abroad” (2009)
”Guide for the parents who go to work abroad” (2009)
”Methodology of social care, psychological and legal aid for the home alone children after their parents left to work abroad” (2007)


Professionals trained

Publications (titles)

Beneficiaries of direct services


Strengthening the role of NGOs in the development of social services
Children with imprisoned parents: invisible children
Children with imprisoned parents: an NGO’s perspective
Psychosocial services for preventing institutionalization and the rehabilitation of children victims of abuse and/or neglect
Psychosocial care for the children from Vaslui and Botosani counties
Supporting the children and the elderly left behind
A better life for the elderly!
Gathering new information about the Home Alone phenomenon: providing direct services to remigrant children from Iasi county
Supporting the children affected by migration in the schools of Iasi city
Families in motion: protecting the rights of transnational families in Europe – Romania
Improving the inter-institutional collaboration from the perspective of Law 272/2004 at the level of Iasi municipality
Direct social services for the home alone children from Iasi
Home alone children – a problem that concerns us all!
Identifying, intervening and monitoring unsupervised children after their parents left to work abroad
Interinstitutional cross-border collaboration for protecting the rights of “home alone” children
Preventing juvenile delinquency in the schools and high-schools of Iasi
The counselling office – A friend for children, adolescents … and not only
Youth centres for reducing the vulnerability to traffic and the reintegration of children victims of trafficking in Bucharest and other three selected counties (Iasi, Botosani and Giurgiu)
Promoting democracy by fighting against child labour exploitation and child trafficking
National campaign for preventing human trafficking and drug consumption (partner)
Reducing labour and sexual exploitation and child trafficking in the selected communities from Botosani county, Romania
Continuing the trainers training seminar using the SCREAM methodology
Health clinic in Liteni (equipping the health clinic from the School of Liteni/June 2010-June 2011)
Social and professional reintegration of psoriasis patients
Work methodology for the inter-institutional teams and for the staff of the Transit centres dedicated to children victims of human trafficking
Summer school for peer-educators for promoting the participation of children at fighting against children trafficking
Fighting against the labour exploitation of children from rural areas
Facilitating cooperation and management optimisation of the territory and the Romanian – Moldavian border
16 days activism campaign against violence on women- 1st edition (Iasi Partner)
16 days activism campaign against violence on women- 2nd edition (Iasi Partner)
Social re-education and re-insertion of the roma underage delinquents from the Receiving Centre for Minors (Centrul de Primire Minori) Iasi
The family of imprisoned people in a new horizon of integration
Psychosocial care for the elderly
A qualification in the field of services, a chance for a new beginning (partner)
Professional prospects for the minors in difficulty from Iasi county
Development of cross-border cooperation between Romania and the Republic of Moldavia in the field of social services
Together for children (partner)
From communities of Roma to communities with Roma


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The English language version of this website was created through the project “Strengthening the Role of NGOs in Developing Social Services”, financed by the EEA grants 2009 – 2014, through the NGO Fund in Romania. The contents of this material do not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA grants 2009 – 2014. For official information on the EEA and Norway grants visit

The contents of this website do not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA grants 2009 – 2014. The entire responsibility for the correctness and coherence of the information presented belongs to the website’s owners.