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It is estimated that there are currently over 2 million children with one or both parents in detention in Europe, and over 28,000 of them are in Romania (1).

The detention of a parent has a particular negative impact on children, being compared, in terms of developmental effects, to experiences such as the death of a close family member, divorce or domestic violence (2).

The current Council of Europe and European Union strategies on the rights of the child explicitly recognise that children whose parents are imprisoned are one of the most vulnerable and marginalised groups of children in society, in need of protection from exclusion and discrimination (3).

However, in most situations, children with imprisoned parents are not identified and do not receive support from social services (4).

We believe that the rights and best interests of these children deserve much greater attention from decisionmakers and society in general. That is why this year Alternative Sociale joins the other member organizations of Children of Prisoners Europe (from Belgium, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Poland, Spain, Scotland, the Netherlands) in organizing the event “Game with Mum and Dad“, in which the childparent bond is supported and they are brought together for a day of play, hugs and laughter.

Click on the image for more details regarding the COPE project

Project “Game with Mum and Dad” 

Between May 24, 2024 and February 23, 2025, Alternative Sociale implements the “Game with Mum and Dad project, an initiative of Children of Prisoners Europe that takes place in 10 countries of the European Union, other EU member countries, represented in COPE, will join the initiative. Alternative Sociale will use the subgrant to organize a day dedicated to games (football or other team sports) with the participation of 20 children and their parents in prison. The project also promotes COPE‘s objective of bringing to the attention the situation of children with imprisoned parents among public institutions and civil society organizations in the field of child protection, justice and law enforcement, media, the general public, etc., bringing them together under one roof to raise awareness, highlight childrens rights and needs and better coordinate integrated support.


(1)&(2) www.childrenofprisoners.eu

(3) European Comission.(2021). EU Strategy on the rights of the child, Available Online: https://ec.europa.eu/info/policies/justice-and-fundamental-rights/rights-child/eu-strategy-rights-child-and-european-child-guarantee_en#documents; Consiliul Europei (2022). Strategia Consiliului Europei pentru drepturile copilului (2022 – 2027): Drepturile copiilor în acțiune: de la implementare continuă la inovare comună. Disponibil online: https://search.coe.int/cm/pages/result_details.aspx?objectid=0900001680a5a064

(4) Alternative Sociale.(2015).

Stay tuned for more news about the project on alternativesociale.ro, but also on our Instagram, Facebook and X pages.